Yes we do, we offer a lifetime warranty on the NOS germanium transistor in our FetHead Germanium, and this is why:
We absolutely love the sound of the “new old stock” germanium transistor we’ve used in the circuit of our FetHead Germanium. We couldn’t find any equivalent among currently produced electronic components that sounded as great as the old transistors we’re using in the FetHead Germanium. We have a rigorous testing policy in place. Every transistor is tested and matched before being used. After assembly, all FetHead Germanium units are individually tested and listened to before being sold. However, the old transistors are slightly less reliable than we would like, as they may, in rare cases, go bad after a period of time. That’s why we offer a lifetime warranty on them. We take pride in taking care of you and will always do what it takes to help a customer.
For the first two years after purchase, any FetHead Germanium experiencing issues can be exchanged at an authorised Triton Audio retailer. For FetHead Germaniums purchased more than two years ago, please contact us directly at